Pastoral Care

Cullinane College embraces all that is most important and desirable in a modern, effective school administered through sound management systems.
Our staff love to take a holistic and pastoral approach at all times in meeting the needs of our students. In this way our students come away well-rounded individuals, having been nurtured in all aspects of learning – the academic, the spiritual, the physical and the social.
At Cullinane we have a comprehensive Pastoral Care and Discipline System. The Pastoral Care Team includes: Deans of House, a Senior and Junior Dean, Learning Support Team, Literacy Support, Alternative Education and Restorative Justice coordinators, Guidance Counsellors, Whanau Liaison, Dean of International Students.

Our Restorative Justice system deals with conflict among our students. Through this system, both parties are encouraged to deal with their issues and come to an acceptable solution for all involved. This leads to more time spent on learning rather than on discipline issues.
Family Day Interviews and SWEET (Student Whanau Educational Empowering Tool) are our formal parent interviews. Parents meet with their child’s Form Teacher where they discuss academic and pastoral issues and goals, NCEA information, review literacy and numeracy results, go over Individual Achievement Plans and student reports. The Assistant Principal, Deputy Principal and Pastoral Care team are available for and after each interview in order for any further concerns to be discussed.