All state intergrated schools in the Whanganui – Manawatu region have been notified by the PPTA (Teacher’s Union) of a compulsory Paige Union Meeting on Tuesday 13th November from 1 – 3pm at Awapuni Racecourse in Palmerston North. The purpose of this meeting is to brief member and to conduct a ballot in regards to negotiations for the Secondary Teacher’s Collective Agreement. The Employment Relations Act requires our school to release PPTA members to attend this meeting.
Normal timetabled lessons will need to finish at the end of Period 2 (11.05am) on this day so that PPTA members can travel to Palmerston North. Students can go home at this time if this is convenient to you.
We will, however, still be able to keep the school open and offer supervision for parents who wish their children remain at school for the normal school day (although regular classes will not be on); this will be run by teaching staff who are not PPTA members. The rural bus to Whanganui City College will be running at the usual time of 3.10pm.
Please note the NCEA external examinations for senior students are totally unaffected by this meeting and will run as scheduled on Tuesday 13th November. Summer School will be running on this day between 9-11am.