As a Senior Leadership Team we met today and have made the following changes that we need to inform the school community of. These are due to the changing situation with Covid now in the Whanganui community.
Form Time: As of Wednesday 23/2 there will no longer be form classes at the start of the day until further notice. Instead the first period will be an extra 10 minutes to allow for the reading of the notices etc. This is to minimize the across year levels risk at this time.
Assemblies/House Meetings: These will no longer be happening until further notice. We will be closing at 2pm each Tuesday like we did last year starting next week Tuesday 1/3.
Wet Break Time Rooms: When we have wet breaks we will need to open rooms for the students to be in and can avoid having across year level mingling. The following rooms are what we have thought to allocate: Yr 13 RE Classrooms (HD + NH), Yr 12 PE and Soc Studies Classrooms (IS + AB), Yr 11 Art Rooms, Yr 10 PAC, Yr 9 Gym. Other classrooms can also be opened if those teachers so wish.
Cafeteria: The seating area in the cafeteria is to be cordoned off and will not be used. The games also will not be available. Students will need to line up and will enter through the usual door and then out through a separate door. There will also be a limit on the number of students allowed in the canteen and spacing will be marked for this. Students wanting to rush into the canteen will have to join a queue outside. We will need to have a staff member on the door monitoring entry into the canteen. This will start from Wednesday until further notice.
Library: This will be a no food or drink space and a limit of 50 students in there at any given time. They must wear a mask in the library and observe usual distancing etc.
Thank you for your understanding and we will continue to update you as things develop. Parents are still able to visit the school office as per normal, but at this stage we do not want parents/visitors coming onto the wider school site.